Sandra Long Physical Education Grant Program for Harford County Elementary Schools, Middle Schools, and Adapted Physical Education Teachers
After growing up in Roanoke, Virginia, and graduating from Longwood College in that state, Sandra Long made a life-altering decision: to seek employment as a physical education teacher in Maryland. An insightful Harford County recruiter offered her the position she thought would fulfill her college dream—teaching at the high school level where she would be coaching several sports. Her career began unexpectedly in a split position between two high schools, with her primary coaching responsibilities at Havre de Grace. Eventually, Sandy (as her co-workers and other friends called her) moved to middle school instruction, where she chaired two large departments. Along the way, she earned two master’s degrees at Johns Hopkins University—an achievement which further prepared her for supervising K-8 physical education programs throughout the county for several years.In this final role, Sandy worked diligently with the entire staff to: (1) Improve the curriculum at every level; (2) Introduce innovative instructional strategies that would energize and interest all students; and (3) Seek professional growth opportunities within and beyond the state.
Sandy herself was an active member in professional organizations including AAHPERD, NAGWS, and MAHPERD. She served the state group in several positions, including President. She introduced the National Demonstration School Project to her teachers, an act which resulted in several physical educators in Harford County being recognized widely for their outstanding programs.Following her retirement in 1997, and until her death in 2020, Sandy continued to check in periodically with her professional colleagues regarding the current status of physical education instruction in the county and statewide. She hoped school systems would continue to recognize the vital importance of maintaining superior up-to-date physical education programs that meet the current needs of all studentsThis grant offering is intended to help make Ms. Long’s hope become a reality. If you or your department is eligible, please consider implementing a project that you feel will enhance your physical education program in a meaningful way.