Ways to Give

Investing in the Education of our Youth

Business and community partners are the Foundation’s most valuable resources. Together, we can give our students the tools and resources to set a IMG_3568strong direction for academic success. Building a strong community and workforce requires a well educated citizenry. You can support our goal in ensuring that each child has the opportunity to reach their post secondary goals through college or the workforce.

Here are some ways you can support student achievement:

Simple and easy.  Give to the unrestricted fund and we will make sure your donation makes the biggest impact.

Gifts that Honor Your Legacy
An endowed gift, or an endowment, is an invested fund that can be designated as either full or term endowments. Sharing the fruits of your life will leave a lasting legacy on future generations.

Honor and Memorial Giving
Make a gift in honor of a special occasion or honor the memory of a special person in a way that makes a big difference for individuals and families in need.

School Supplies and Product Donation
Tools for Schools is a bricks and mortar resource center where teachers can shop for free for the learning materials their students need. With everyone contributing to a central resource center, we can ensure that every child in need is served. And teachers know best which students are without the school supplies they need for educational success.

Give every child the future they deserve. Give them the gift of a college education.  You can contribute through a general contribution through the College Pathways Scholarship Fund or Establish a Scholarship to honor someone special.

Workplace and Corporate Giving
There are many ways you and your employer can contribute to Harford County Education Foundation.

There are many ways to give of your time and talent. Every way is important to the success of youth. Contact us and let’s talk more about how you can use your time and talent to invest in the education of youth.

Complete the contact information to let us know how you can begin contributing to the lifetime success of our students.

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