
By Donating to the Harford County Education Foundation you are helping to ensure the future of all students attending Harford County Public Schools. We are dedicated to making sure your donation makes a positive and immediate impact.        

Choose a category below to make a tax-deductible donation today!

UNRESTRICTED FUND – The Education Foundation is committed to providing programs to support excellence and achievement for all Harford County Public Schools students, with an emphasis on students at risk for educational success. Unrestricted contributions enable us to apply funds where they are most needed.

SCHOOL AND CLASSROOM GRANTS – Contributions will be used to fund programs that enrich students and parents into learning. Recipients are identified based on quality of application and the number of students affected.

SCHOLARSHIP FUND – The Education Foundation is dedicated to the goal of providing all Harford County Public School students a scholarship to a post-secondary learning institution.

TECH TOOLS – Technology in the home improves student access to information and increases homework participation and student achievement. Computers will be donated to students who qualify for financial need.

Donations can also be mailed to:
Harford County Education Foundation
260 Gateway Drive, Suite 21A
Bel Air, MD  21014

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